Daytrips and holidays in the Netherlands

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Welcome in Volendam !

Practical information about Volendam

Public transport

Volendam does not have a train station itself. The easiest way is from Hoorn or Purmerend by bus to Volendam.

Transport by car

Volendam is easy to reach by car, use the route planner on the right side of this page. In the tourist season, the Port of Volendam is closed to car traffic after 11 am.

Marken Express

The Marken Express takes you to and from the island of Marken. It is also possible to bring your bicycle

Useful addresses and telephone numbers

Authority Address Phone number
Emergency   112
Police De Deimpt 7 0900 8844
Hospital Waterland Oost Heideweg 1b 0299 457001
City hall W. van der Knoopdreef 1 0299 398398


Plan your route with the Google® Maps planner. (You will be redirected to the Google® Maps website)


The weather