Daytrips and holidays in the Netherlands

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Welcome in Hoorn !

Practical information about Hoorn

Public transport

Hoorn has its own train connection with Alkmaar, Amsterdam and Enkhuizen. This makes Hoorn easy to reach.

Transport by car

Hoorn is located on the A7 between Amsterdam and den Oever (beginning of the Afsluitdijk).


At the New Wal you can park for free.

At the Transferium, Pelmolenpad, Visserseiland and RAC location the rate is € 2.80 per day.

In the parking garages Het Park and Jeudje the rate is € 1, 90 for 60 minutes.

Parking in downtown in the designated parking spaces has a rate between € 1, 90 per hour and

€ 2.10 per hour.

Useful addresses and telephone numbers



Phone number



+31 (0) 112


Blokmergouw 1

+31 (0) 900 8844

General practitioner

Maelsonstraat 5

+31 (0) 229 297800

Hospital Westfries Gasthuis

Maelsonstraat 3

+31 (0) 229 257257

Emergency Pharmacy

Maelsonstraat 3

+31 (0) 229 208001



Plan your route with the Google® Maps planner. (You will be redirected to the Google® Maps website)


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